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  Skin Care.

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  Skin Problems .
Blackheads are so common, yet many of us do know what they are. We know even less about dealing with them. However, they can be controlled and even prevented by taking regular care of the skin.
Blackheads are caused by over active sebaceous glands (the oil producing glands of the skin). The excess secretion of oil expands and thickens the pores of the skin. The oil collects in the pores and hardens into a plug. The pores are then clogged with hardened sebum or oil. Since the pores are open, the tip of the clogged grease is exposed to the air and oxidises, turning black. Hence, blackheads are formed.
Oily skins naturally tend to attract dirt and grime from the environment and these pollutants also collect in the pores with hardened oil Blackheads cause the pores to be further enlarged and people with oily skins end up with a skin texture that is coarse and trough. Apart from the fact that blackheads look unsightly, they are the cause of acne. When a pore is fully blocked, the oil gland can get infected resulting into a pimple. Therefore, the control of blackheads is one way of preventing acne.Blackheads not only appear on the face, but on the back, chest and other areas that are rich in sebaceous glands.Blackhead extraction is a professional job and it should be left to people who know exactly know how to do it. Never pick at them. Tampering with the skin by forcing blackheads out brutally can damage the skin tissue by destroying the inner layer. The counter part of the blackhead is the whitehead, which is also caused by collection of sebum in the pores, but in this case the pores are not open and the sebum is not exposed to the air.

Effective methods for removing Blackheads.
It is most important to keep the skin scrupulously clean.
  • Use an oatmeal or almond mask thoroughly to cleanse your face. Mix either oatmeal or almond powder with enough rose water to make a soft paste that spreads easily on the skin. Rub it on your skin with your fingertips, paying special attention the problem areas. Leave to dry for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
  • Apply undiluted lemon juice, two to three times a day, on the affected areas.
  • solution made out of one and a half cups of hot water and half a tablespoon of boric powder is an ideal concoction for blackheads, Saturate a face napkin in this hot solution and press on to the skin, repeat twice. Extract blackheads carefully with a blackhead remover and sterilized cotton wool. Pat on an astrigent.
  • Warm a little honey and apply on the trouble spots. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.
Try out these home remedies for cleaning out your blackheads yourself or get in touch with a qualified beautician.

Spots and acne are the result of oily skin, stress and the wrong use of skin care products and cosmetics. These are not easy to get rid of and they tend to crop up at the wrong time. What you need is to give them a hard time by robbing them of a friendly environment.Oily skin needs to be exfoliated to keep the pores clear and unclogged. Instead of covering spots with a concealor that can further clog your pores, dab on an anti-acne formula and face powder to absorb excess oil.Stress from job pressures and the demands of motherhood also trigger breakouts. Birth control pills high in certain progestins can cause spots, too. Besides, using the wrong cleanser or cosmetics not meant for your skin type can also lead to clogged pores and blemishes. To keep skin clear, use a pre-soap cleanser meant for your specific skin type, followed by a good moisturizing routine (only on dry areas).All too many people are driven to the myth that sunlight helps dry out pimples. Exposure to sun may dry skin slightly, but the effect is temporary. In fact, heat, humidity and UV rays can intensify acne by stimulating oil production, leading to thick skin that further causes of clogged pores.A cosmetic way to camourflage spots and to give your skin a smooth matte finish is to rub some loose face powder into your palms. Rub hands together lightly and apply powder over the face. Then dust off the excess with a powder brush.

The T-Zone

Oily skin can be checked with proper exfoliation, which keeps the pores clear and unclogged. However, if you have a shiny T-Zone, use a face mask to de-shine. Alternatively, blot excess oil with a tissue before touching up with powder.


wrinkles surface first around eyes and the mouth and are sign that the skin lacks hydration. You can put a hold on them by keeping your skin protected from excessive exposure to sun and using a wrinkle-control formula. Though the sun gives us vitamin D, which is great for the complexion, going out in the sun without proper protection is an open invitation for wrinkles in the long run. It can even lead to melanoma(skin cancer).
So use a sunscreen over the face and body before you expose yourself to the rays of the sun. Don't skip the routine when the sky is overcast, for haze and clouds don't block those damaging UV rays. Wear sunglasses with UV protection and make sure your sunscreens stays put.


blotchiness is another side effect caused by taking in too much sun. Prevent it with daily sunscreen of at least SPF 15 and regular exfoliation (with masks, scrubs and lotions). To conceal blotchiness, apply foundation and loose face powder to integrate the skin tone. Extreme cases can be tackled with a concealer, followed by loose powder and appropriate make-up. To polish away any unevenness, you can apply a slightly shimmered powder.


never exfoliate your skin when it is sunburn and in the red, sore, tender stage. Wait until all redness disappears before resuming exfoliation. If you are using a prescription skin-peeling drug for acne or sun damage, ask your doctor if addition exfoliation is advisable.
Broken capillaries or spider veins: These are tiny dilated blood vessels or capillaries, usually visible on the face and legs. Exposure to the sun, wind, spicy food, alcoholic drinks and temperature extremes can aggravate the problem.Besides the above-mentioned problems, the skin undergoes a change during menopause, too. It becomes much drier and you should use a mild soap to clean it gently. Stepped-up exfoliation will bring new cells to the surface (because cell renewal slows down with age). You can try a good emollient in addition to a moisturizing lotion. Remember that sun damage is additive. As your age, your immune system starts slowing down and can't respond as vigorously to a problem as it used to. Learn it help it along.

Excess hair
Unwanted hair on the body or face does not necessarily indicate a hormonal imbalance. Prevalent in a large number of perfectly normal women, especially as they get older, it is frequently an inherited characteristic common to either specific families or races. Women are particularly prone to develop hair where they donut want it during the glandular changes connected with fertility. Most girls can trace the beginnings to the onset of puberty, pregnancy or menopause. Occasionally excessive hair can be the result of a physical ailment or a glandular disturbance resulting in an imbalance of the male and female sex hormones. It could even develop as a side effect of steroid creams or hormone pills prescribed to treat other conditions. But these disorders are infrequent causes of excessive hair.

Ways of handling unwanted hair

For some women, excess hair can be cunningly concealed by bleaching. Mix six per cent hydrogen peroxide with 20 drops of ammonia per 28 grams of peroxide. Either household ammonia or ammonia water can be used.
Apply immediately after mixing and leave it on for about half an hour. If the hair is not bleached enough with one application, repeat in a day or so. If the freshly mixed bleach does not perform properly, the cause may be inactive, old peroxide or insufficient ammonia.


One of the oldest methods of temporary hair removal, it is also the least popular. It is most often used for the removal of hair from the upper lip or chin. As the hair is plucked beneath the surface, relatively, just above the root, the results of waxing are reasonably long lasting. Usually it takes several weeks for new growth to become evident.


Chemical depilatories are used primarily for the arms and legs. They should not be used on the face unless specifically stated on the product label. And they should never be used if there are breaks in the skin.

Although a few quick acting depilatories are now available, a depilatory generally takes 10 to 15 minutes to work on some areas like the underarms or legs. Many women consider this inconvenient, for shaving can be faster. Also, some products may have an unpleasant smell. On the other hand, using a depilatory does not have the masculine connotation of shaving.It is claimed that the results of depilatories last longer than those of shaving because the hair is removed closer to the skin surface, but the difference is probably only sight.
Chemical depilatories are usually in cream form, and their effectiveness various according to the type of hair growth. A thin hair is destroyed in a shorter time than a thick one. They may not be effective on some people and on some parts of the body.The first time you use a depilatory, try it on a small area to see if the product causes a skin reaction. If this happens, discontinue using the product. Follow the directions on the packet carefully. The manufacturer has included them to ensure maximum safety and efficiency. Pay attention to the length of time the preparation is to be left on your skin.

Pumice stones
Among the oldest devices used for temporary hair removal, they are used most often for removing rough skin on heels and elbows. Rubbing pumice over the skin generates mechanical friction, which wears off hair at the skin surface.
The device is inexpensive, easy to use and not as likely as chemical depilatories to cause skin irritation. It is, also, slow and tedious to use and impractical for large areas. If the abrasive is rubbed too vigorously, your skin will feel irritated.Once the hair is removed, regular treatments afterward may be less time consuming since the hair will be short. Hair growth may become less coarse or dense after years of using a pumice, but this method will not remove hair permanently.After using a pumice, gently massage oil or body lotion into the area to lessen skin irritation produced by the abrasion.

This can be done by electric razor or by hand. The secret is to use a sharp blade every time. There are throwaway, curved razors that give the equivalent of two or three dozen smooth shaves.
Be sure your skin is wet. Wet hair is easier to shave because it is soft and pliable. Lathering with either soap and water or shaving cream will help further.Use lashings or body oil or moisturizer on your legs after shaving because the procedure can make your skin very dry.


A safe way to remove hair permanently is by destroying the hair root with an electric current. This method electrolysis destroys the hair root at the bottom of the follicle and loosens the hair, which is then removed from the follicle with tweezers.
If you buy depilatory creams, or mitts, or wax, you will use them forever because hair never stops growing until late in life, and that is when you are too old to care.
So, what age can you begin electrolysis at ? Like everything else, it is getting younger all the time. Children start to shave and pencil eyebrows earlier on, their bodies develop sooner.To mothers, experts say : "If you have a daughter 12 years old and she is developing superfluous hair, she should have it seen to now, and not left until she is made miserable and perhaps psychologically hurt."Electrolysis is very simple. A needle so fine it is like a hair itself, is inserted into the follicle where the hair comes out. This is charged with electricity and zap – the cells are destroyed. No more hair should grow there.Now sometimes this mild current causes discomfort. It depends on which part of the face or body it is being applied to. On the things and the breast, it is not very bad, but on the knees and the ankles, it can be painful.

Simple Facial Exercises
If you want firmer facial skin, and want to look years younger just follow these ten exercises every morning and watch the age on your face fade away.Face tapping - to get the circulation goingTap 20 times on each dot with the pads of your middle fingers. From the bridge of your nose work out along your eyebrows, then in round the top of your cheekbone. Tap up from the sides of your mouth to each inner eye. Then out from the chin along the jaw line to each ear. Make sharp, light, very quick taps as if you are testing a very hot iron.Ear massage - to get your face glowingWith index fingers and thumbs, hold the top rim of your ears and pull upwards. Massage, making small circles between fingers and thumb. Move down all round the rim of the ears, pulling ears out gently and massaging. When you reach the lobes, pull them down slightly and massage for about one minute. Repeat this sequence if you have time. Then, with small, quick circular movements, massage all the crevices and spirals of the ear. Use the surface of the nails of your index fingers, or the pads of your middle fingers.Throat massage - to beautify your neckPut the fingers of one hand on one side of your throat and the thumb on the other. Make rapid circular motions up and down the throat. Repeat with the other hand.Gum stimulation - for glowing gumsWith finger tips of knuckles, make circles just above the jaw line along the gums.Under-chin slaps - to sharpen your jaw lineSlap quickly and lightly under your chin 30 times with the back of one hand.Hair massage - to stimulate hair growth and soothe headachesWith pads of your fingertips, massage in small circles all along the front of your scalp for at least 30 seconds. Then take large fistfuls of hair and gently pull upwards. Now clench your hands into fists and lightly pound your scalp about 20 times.Face Stroking - to soothe, relax and generally uplift face and mindStart with the flat of your right hand against your chest and stroke up to your jaw line, then immediately follow with your left. Continue alternating like this for at least ten strokes.Next, immediately smooth the palms and fingers of your hands over your face very, very lightly. Start at the jaw line, move up and over your cheeks and each side of your nostrils, gently over the eyes and over the forehead to the hairline, then back down the sides of your face to your jaw. Repeat five to ten times in a continuous motion.Now glide your middle fingers towards the bridge of your nose, out along your eyebrow, down your cheekbones and back to the bridge of your nose. Make ten of these light circular movements.Then with your middle fingers on the bridge of your nose, stroke up towards your forehead. Place all fingers (not thumb) on your forehead and smooth outwards towards your temples; hold for a moment, pressing down slightly. Continue lightly down the side of your face, back along up from the bridge of your nose. Do this ten times.Temple pressures - to lift eye area and whole face.Leaning back in a chair, place the base of your palm or the pads of your fingertips against your temples and push upwards. At the same time, suck your tongue against the top of your mouth keeping your back teeth together. Hold this for a count of ten, increasing to 20. Slowly release and relax.Exercise your mouth - to lift lip linesSit or stand, looking into the mirror. Open your mouth quite wide, as if about to yawn. Pull in the sides to form an oval. Now curve your lips over teeth. Then slowly to the count of ten, close your lips until they are about 1.5cm (1/2in) apart. You will feel an upward pull. Release very slowly.Finish by closing your eyes for a few moments, breathing deeply and gently and allowing yourself to drift off into a peaceful place.  

Home Truths
It never fails. Just when you thought you’d seen the last of the face invaders, they’re back and larger than life! Suddenly, you feel like an alien, and the only thing you want to do move…to another planet. But wait! Instead of waging war on you skin by blasting blemishes wit supersonic zit creams and harsh scrubbing, take the kinder, gentler approach, just like the women from the past who made good use of everyday items like fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals for enhancing their beauty. Grandma’s recipes obviously work, because even the most exotic spas of Europe are veering towards herbal and natural therapies.The best part? You can whip these up in seconds using things that are sitting in the refrigerator or on the kitchen shelf. Masks, facials, packs and cleansers made of homegrown stuff all work in gentle, natural ways to soothe, stimulate, relax, tone or clear the skin. Though you may go according to different or problem skin types, a tutti-frutti approach may be better: everyone’s skin is a combination of oily and dry elements. You might want to use a mask for oily skin on the nose, forehead and chin and mask for dry skin everywhere else.You can even take a Chinese restaurant approach, and combine, say honey with egg in the same skin category. However, you can cook up your mask, apply it to a cleansed skin and let it do the good work for fifteen or twenty minutes while you relax. Feet up on the pillows or resting on the slant board will double the benefits of any helper you put on the skin. Remember, skin is an all-over affair. Don’t stop with just nourishing your face – spread the good work to hands, to the throats and shoulders. After twenty minutes, splash away the facial with cool or lukewarm water.What is your skin type? Get a head start on the road to a dear complexion by understanding the basics:
  • Oily sin usually has a shiny surface, visible pores and is prone to breakouts.
  • Dry skin often feels taut, slightly rough and tends to chap and flake.
  • Combination skin is oily at the T-zone (the forehead, nose and chin) and drier on the cheeks.
  • Sensitive skin is thin, delicate and easily irritated. It has a red and blotchy.
Natural Masks
  • Break two large bananas, toss into a blender along with half of the peel and one tablespoon of raw honey. Blend to liquefy, pat on, let dry for 20 minutes.
  • Mix equal proportions of honey, fresh cream, or oats and almond paste. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes.
  • Peel and pit an avocado, liquefy in the blender with one tablespoon of raw honey. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
Oily Skin Masks
  • Wash and core two crisp apples, but do not peel, liquefy the whole thing into the blender. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Splash on with cool water.
  • Wash a big, ripe tomato and liquefy the whole thing in the blender. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes, splash off with cool water.
Two nourishing masks for all skin types:
  • Blend two egg yolks, two tablespoons of honey, three drops of almond oil. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
  • Grind half a cup of yellow mustard seeds, adding 2 liters of water in it. Also grind in a few rose petals. Apply on skin. Let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse well.
One Clarifying facial mask, good for all skins (to be used occasionally):
This does with gentle natural enzymes what skin-slouching creams, peelers and exfoliating lotions do with chemical – it removes dead, dry skin cells on the surface to expose fresh clear skin.
  • Peel a ripe banana and puree in the blender. Pat on the fruit, let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
Two cleansing and bleaching masks (for faded, end of summer tans as well as winter-drab or season-change sallow skin)
  • Add the juice of two lemons to one cup of buttermilk. blend, pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Splash off with cool water.
  • Liquefy one whole lemon (washed, not peeled) and half an orange (washed, not peeled) in the blender, add one cup of plain yogurt. blend, pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
Here are a few more any-time masks
  • For a glowing skin, cucumber mixed with fresh coconut water gives remarkable results.
  • use mashed bananas and strawberries as a pack to freshen up the complexion.
  • For curing pimples, apply a mixture of haldi (turmeric) and sandalwood on the face.
  • Pimples can also be cured with a light massage of rose and sevti flowers extract. The extract is easily prepared by distilling a number of flowers in a distilling apparatus. The extract should be applied on the pimples three times a day .

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